Friday 18 November 2011

Extreme excitement from unexpected sources

As mentioned a few times within this blog many non-league teams are suffering from financial difficulties, with many of our opponents at differing times almost being on the verge of extinction (see Wrexham this season, and Kidderminister last) and while Bath City, are thankfully not in immediate danger of going out of existence, all stripes are accutely aware of the financial tightrope City walk.

The difference between City and the others is that we're run by a sensible board, and that the supporters (via the Supporters Society) own a large portion of the club, and therefore have a say in its running. However, even taking this into account, City made a loss of around £70k last year, and have some long standing debts. But an unlikely cash and morale boost arrived this week when ESPN announced that City v.s Dagenham and Redbridge would be one of the televised replays! Bloody hell!

Now I like most non-league fans have a deep seated loathing of all things televised, as the advent of Sky and Rupert effing Murdoch (how good is it to see the Aussie twat getting grilled for NOTW stuff!?) has played a huge part in ruining English football, allowing the rich to get richer and screwing over the rest. However, as the fine American gents at ESPN will be paying City £33,500 for bringing their cameras to Twerton Park I will gratefully receive them and will even buy them a pint of Tribute in The Old Crown if they so desire!

For all followers of top teams, I'm sure the visit of the cameras means nothing, but for all the stripes I know the excitement is massive. The thoughts of beautiful, wonderful if slightly knocked about Twerton being on the telly is amazing, and all the singers are relishing the moment to shine on national tv. Plans are afoot as to where to place the flags for maximum exposure and we look forward (we don't actually look forward to it!) welcoming Steve McManananananaman and the Waddler to Twerton.

City are away at Southport this weekend, and hopefully will get a win to ensure that we go into the replay full of confidence and on a decent run, if we manage to win the game as well we would receive £18,000 win bonus, which to go with our £33,500 telly money, would go a long way to helping fund this season, and possibly provide Adie funds to get us out of the relegation zone, from small acorns do mighty oaks grow.

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