Wednesday 7 December 2011

Football's rollercoaster

Christ, when I come to do my season review I'm sure I'll have to comment on how my moods have been more fluctuating that of a teenage girls! After the floating high of City's win against Telford United on Saturday, game the devastating low of the loss to Kidderminster Harriers on the Tuesday (last night)

The King & Castle
Great Western carpet
City were to play at the Aggborough ground on the Tuesday night, so an early release from Foxhill purgatory was negotiated, and at 3:15 I escaped work, picked up Hilly and went to Odd Down to catch the supporters coach (now what did I say at D&R about how its shit but useful?!) The coach was full for the first Tuesday night away game in four years, meaning at least 49 stripes would be making the journey (in the end it was 87!) a surprisingly quick journey meant we were soon in Kidderminster. However, I had forgotten my camera so we'll have to make do with last years photo (hence daylight pics) we piled out of the coach and headed straight to the King & Castle pub. This is a superb ale pub crammed with 6 handpumbs and set in an old Great Western Railway waiting room. A few great ales were supped by the optimistic stripes and we set off for the ground via a "shortcut" and ended up stuck in a sidings, an inauspicious start to what was to be a crap night.
Part of the old Great Western Line

Eventually, we found ourselves at the ground and filed into the away end. For those of you who have never (or will never) get to Aggborough, the food there is amazing! Shockingly good, all football grounds in England should aim for this level of food! I grabbed a home made Cottage Pie (home made!!!!) and went to the terrace.

Last years proof of cottage pie, and fancy dress
City started with the same team which beat Telford and via a massive deflected Scott Murray freekick were ahead within 6 minutes! The Legion were in full voice and for 30 minutes were all over Kidderminster and could have scored at least twice more with Murray and Phillips having which point the wheels fell off and City suddenly collapsed.

Imagine this stand, but at night....
Kiddy in their first proper attack of the night, broke down the right, City's defence was at sixes and sevens and in the words of Paul Hill "a delicious cross" was floated over and Steve Guinan headed home. At this point all attacking intent drained away, and the insane decision to start Joe Burnell at centre back was exposed. This choice was made all the more baffeling when you considered the Kiddy striker Jamille Matt the towering centre forward, who Burnell would never beat in the air but who Charlie Clough could have dominated.

Then right on half time when a flick on from a goal kick dropped to Matt who hit the ball towards goal, Jason Matthews got a good hand to it, but the ball agonisingly dribbled over the line in front of the despairing Joe Burnell. At this point you sensed that City were fucked.

At half time I once again sampled the wonderful Kiddy food, this time opting for the curry, superb once again, and I will point out at this point that I don't normally eat twice in a game, but when the food is this good!!!

Imagine darker still, and you're almost there!
I really can't be bothered to describe the second half, but can sum it up with the words "City were shite" it was as bad a performance as the Forest Green game, which I didn't even write a post for as we were that clueless. Two more goals were scored and City lost 4-1. A disconsolate coach journey followed, and from the hope and optimism of Saturday came the despair of the late drive home from Odd Down, however, given how fluctuating my emotions have been, I wouldn't be surprised if City hit a 4 game winning streak! Although it is painfully unlikely.

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