Tuesday 21 February 2012

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be, we're going to Salisbury que sera sera

This is being written less than an hour after the game without my usual reflecting period, but this game really doesn't need reflection.

The quick points, Jason Matthews replaced Glyn Garner, and Murray returned. We were at home to Hayes and Yeading United and we were awful. Truly, truly dire, and disappointingly we completely lacked fight, that was one of the worse games I have ever watched, ever been involved with and has made me so depressed it is shocking how much football can affect my mood.

The only goal of the game was scored on 38 minutes by (according to the BBC website as I couldn't even be arsed to listen, so take this with a pinch of salt as they are notoriously rubbish)  Thalassitis.

The goal was one of those only City could conceed, Arnold the H&Y keeper lumped the ball forward, before Gethin Jones and Jason Matthews had a combined cock up that cannot be believed. Gethin let the ball bounce (that's right our captain and centre back allowed it to bounce) then somehow managed to confuse himself and Jason Matthews who neither stayed on his line or cleared and Thalassitis chipped it over Matthews. I swear I have seen that finish too many times against us this season.

Once again the point came out that Glyn Garner and Jason Matthews are much more expensive that Ryan Robinson, and at best play at about the same level. Garner is marginally the better shot stopper than Robbo but has the same crosses weakness, Matthews despite being a non-league legend is pretty useless.

I actually cannot really remember any City chances of note, there was murmurings of discontent but basically a very deflated Twerton Park with a crowd of 512, to be honest at this rate the crowd by the last game of the season will be lucky to reach triple figures. A few half pisstaking songs were sung (including the title of this piece) and we filed home. The less said about Lee "Archie" Howells tweet the better.

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