Friday 23 March 2012

Tuesday night in Gateshead...yes a Tuesday night

In the non-league equivalent of a Tuesday night in Carlisle, 5 of us decided that Gateshead away on a Tuesday night was a game we definitely had to go to. So two days off of work were booked and at 10:30am 5 of us squeezed into Hillys car for a journey and a day of epic proportions.
Where you go, we'll follow

The car was cramped, but the 5 hour journey was largely incident free and packed with laughter. We arrived at 269 Chillingham Road, Newcastle at 3:30pm where we were staying with exiled City fan Dave Taylor. An impromptu roadside strip by a few stripes occurred (no one was in Dave's house) and we headed into town via the handily placed, and very reasonably priced Metro system.

We were meant to be meeting Dave, his girlfriend and mate in The Bodega pub, however, I couldn't remember exactly where it was so a walk around Newcastle city centre followed, nonetheless the diversion was short, and soon we were in Tilley's Bar having a swift pint and some food, before going three doors over to The Bodega where a very nice barmaid ensured spirits remained high.

The 5 stripes were joined by Dave and his mate Ryan. Ryan is a Scouser and an avid Everton fan, but he was joining us to the game as a fan of football he wanted to watch, and to pop his stripey virginity. Now here is where a problem occurred, the beers were flowing the conversation was to, and we completely miscalculated the travelling time to the Gateshead International Stadium.

So we got off of the Metro at 7:45, the time the kick off was due. So a brisk walk towards the stadium ensued at which point it fell apart. Seeing no turnstile we panicked and dived into the foyer area, assuming this was the entrance. Wrong, after blurting a question out at the receptionist she pointed out that there were turnstiles around the corner. Quickly we headed back outside, found the turnstile and I paid my student entry £10, loving the fact that 5 years after leaving Uni I can still occasionally get away with student prices!

Worst ground ever
The ground is officially the worst ground I have ever been in, actually it doesn't deserve the title ground and should be tarnished with the awful name of Stadium (only one in England should have that, and that is Wembley) With the running track keeping you away from the players, all seater crapness and  stewards who told us to move as we were standing, despite the fact there was no one behind us (we won that argument and were allowed to stay.) The one thing that could be said was that Gateshead fans did try to make a bit of noise.

The game was pretty awful, with no real chances or opportunities. Sean Canham did have one chance, but softly tapped the ball towards goal. This was City's only chance of the first half. We were singing loud and proud however, when something happened which has never happened before. We were singing We love Jim Rollo and Jimmer was looking around to see where we were, and I upped the volume in an attempt to help him, and something went in my throat and my voice completely went. Cue laughter from everyone around me and a premature end to my singing!

Have never seen a flowerpot in a ground before!
The half finished at 0-0, and half time refreshments were bought. The game kicked off with us standing at the other end of the stand. The game continued in much the same vein, until Gateshead won a throw in, the throw was launched into the box, it bounced and Jon Shaw got his head to the ball and looped a header over Glyn Garner. 1-0 to Gateshead. City's new signing Dan Smith came on, and he had a worse journey than we did. Driving up from Saltash, Cornwall on the day of the game to sign for City before heading up to Gateshead with the team!

In the last minute City won a corner and Glyn Garner raced forward to join the attack. Ridiculously the corner picked Garner out, and the keeper headed towards goal. This unfortunately was not to be a Jimmy Glass moment and the ball went to Sean Canham, who pushed it back to Hogg, who's shot screwed wide. The game finished 1-0.

In the bar after the game we were personally thanked by Adie Britton, John Freegard, and had some words from the players as they filed pass.

Afterwards, we went back into town, hit the Crown Posada a wonderful heritage pub (see photo) and then the Head of Steam, at which point we completely got out of control and eventually got home at 5:30am.

The Crown Posada
We awoke to an almighty fry up, then set off for home, finally arriving back home at 8:30pm on the Wednesday, 620 miles and many hours driving later. Was it worth it? Absolutely, an amazing time, great adventure and for the love of City. Now for Stockport away, taking me close to 1,000 miles in a week watching the men in black and white.

Late night shenanigans

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