Thursday 2 August 2012


Finally the train wreck of a football season is fading in memory and like all football fans the crap moments are being forgotten and the brilliant away days, cracking goals and wins (however, occasional) are bathed in the glow of sepia-tinted glory.

The summer has been interesting with European Championships and the Olympics filling the gap better than the normal break, and thankfully given the awful weather has played havoc with the cricket.

City have lost/let go players from last time, mostly to indifference (although Lee Phillips has dropped too low joining Chippenham (and Egan to) while Marley Watkins joining Hereford is a shame, but to be expected) and some new faces have arrived.

The first preseason game was due to be Crystal Palace, who disgracefully for a full time professional, second division outfit pulled out of the game a day before it was due to be played. Pathetic, and a cause of some anger for City, here's hoping for a crap season for the Eagles! Therefore a hastily rearranged game against Odd Down was played, but the main highlight of the preseason was the game against Burnley at Twerton Park.

Preseason games are weird, nothing depends on them, so it can be hard to get interested. However, the club needs money and it's a chance to see some mates, so along I went. We popped into Charlie's and were very surprised by the number of Burnley fans in there. Overall I was very surprised by the number of people who had travelled from North Lancashire a very good effort from them.

City lined up with new signings Danny Ball (Bristol City youngster), Charlie Griffin (Bath born, but every West Country team ever! Only striker signed on so far though...), Josh Low (Chippenham), Adie Harris (again!!!!) and a few trialists including Kerry Morgan and Aaron Brown.

Basically cannot be bothered to write a report, City performed well against a team from 4 divisions higher, but the class eventually showed in a 3-1 victory (really 2-0, as Adie Harris scored from a drop ball that was meant to be passed back to Brian Jensen in goal but looped over him, so we let Burnley score immediately) but was an encouraging run out for the men in black and white. On the trialists we know Kerry Morgan can perform at Conference South level but he wasn't great, while Josh Klein-Davies had no chance to impress, but given the small squad we will have we need to sign them rather than Aaron Brown who was impressive but is a wing back/full back which we don't need.

After the game Palmer seemed to have to burn DVDs for the whole world, so a game of arrows was had, and once again Jim Rollo record appearance holder, legend, captain and all round great bloke proved once again how amazing he is! Sadly less can be said about one of the youth players...however, the season is starting very soon bring on Welling away.

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