Thursday 2 May 2013

End of the season battering

The final game of the season was a particularly weird day, but given the vast fluctuations in mood of

this season, perhaps it was a fitting end.

A group of City boys convened in The Old Crown, Twerton, for “The Bath City boys big bake off”…now let that sink in. This is a group of lads, all under the age of 30, who are meeting in a pub, before a football game to compare each others baking efforts! It is definitely out of the ordinary for my match day, and I assume most other peoples!

On arriving, I was expecting a myriad of horrific cakes, soggy uncooked middles through to blackened smoking squares where a cake may once have been. So, imagine my surprise when despite my misgivings I arrived to see tables laden with superb looking cakes of all sizes, there was Palmers white chocolate and orange cupcakes, Reedy’s lemon drizzle cake (complete with toasted almonds spelling out CITY), Beavin’s fudge brownies/cakes (honestly not sure what they were but they were lush!) and a host of other amazing creations (special mention for the sugar paper Bath City badges!) so after gorging myself on cakes, the beer wasn’t going down quite so easily!

The baked produce created by surprisingly skilled stripes!
After offering cakes to the pub, and packing away we headed for Twerton Park, which was bathed in glorious sunshine, but in fitting with what has been a foul season for weather it was still surprisingly cold.

The stripes were welcoming division form team Sutton United to TP, who were on an eight game winning streak. Despite that it was City who had the ball in the net first, when a crap clearance from the keeper was closed down by Allen, the ball rolled to Charlie Griffin who finished, but was flagged offside.

Both Sutton and City exchanged blows for the next part of the game, with City having two shots which went over, and being indebted to Mellor for a cracking save. It was to be in vain though, when on 33 minutes a close range effort was scrambled home, Mellor managed to get a hand to it, but it was not enough to stop the ball creeping over the line.

From a Josh Low ball, Griffin tucked the ball home well, but was erroneously flagged offside, the big forward then almost scored from a corner, but it was Sutton who finished the strongest coming close on numerous occasions.

The second half I am not going to discuss in much detail, but in short City were overwhelmed by Sutton. They scored on the 52nd minute, then a Dan Ball back pass was underhit and Mellor rushing from his line dragged down the onrushing attacker, nailed on penalty and we assumed a straight red, Mellor was reprieved but the penalty was lashed home.

Another goal was scored by Sutton to make it 0-4, but in truth it barely mattered. The only other real thing of note was Chris Allen went down in some discomfort, but it has since come out that it was only a dead leg and not a more serious injury.

The fans continued to sing, and actually despite the loss it was an ok day. We clapped the players off at the end and got the obligatory sideways thumbs up (if that’s even possible!) from Jim Rollo.

Then the joy of non league strikes again, after the players had left we went on the pitch for a kick about with a ball “liberated” from Sutton United, an enjoyable time was spent frolicking on the Twerton Park pitch, before City fan (and head of stewards) Shane told us to “Piss off, as I want a beer but can’t leave till you do” so we left, and had our last look at Twerton Park for the 2012/13 season.
Messing around on the pitch after the game

The season has been very mixed, some amazing performances and results, and some awful games and a dangerous flirt with relegation, while the less said about performance in the cups the better. Nevertheless, there are some positives in the strength of some of the younger players performances and optimism, as always in football, that next year could be better. Up the City!

P.s. coming soon(ish, e.g. when I can be arsed to write it) the Second Annual DUYC Awards!

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