Sunday 1 January 2012

Festive Frustrations

While football fans across the country have gorged themselves on the festive football, for some unknown the footballing Gods decided that City would only play 1 game over the Christmas period, away at Newport on Boxing Day and then the next game would be 3rd January. So the festive football fix was looking unlikely.

However, on Boxing Day the Newport game was called off at 12:55 due to a waterlogged pitch, the supporters coach was almost getting onto the motorway at Bristol and a few stripes had even made it to Newport. Unbelievable really, as a waterlogged pitch is unlikely to dry so the game should have been called off early, unlike a frozen pitch which could have thawed. This piled the anger onto the situation as the game was originally meant to be played at Twerton Park, but due to Avon & Somersets "finest" (used very, very loosely) the costs would have been prohibative. So a game that would have gone ahead at Twerton was cancelled late, annoyed doesn't really sum it up!

However, a new year and new hopes. Sean Canham has signed for City on loan till the end of the season now, which is a bonus as he scored and looked class in his spell earlier in the season. So hopefully City will at least win a few more before the end of the season. I still dream of staying up, but that is only because of the enternal optimism of Paul Hill and a few others, I think we're down so hopefully this time next year I'll be writing about how we're storming the Conference South (or God forbid North) and are looking good for promotion.

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