Wednesday 25 January 2012

Getting fed up of moaning, but being given reason to...

I am not that much of a whiner, I promise, however, recently the state of refereeing at City games has turned me into a whining bitch, and for that I apologise. Apologies over, I am now going to launch into a full scale moan...

City were at home to Alfreton Town, a small town in the East Midlands, who are playing in the conference national for the first time. They are the result of a merger between the fantastically named "Alfreton Miners Welfare" and the not so well named Alfreton United.

A friend from Newcastle is back for a few weeks, so Dave is watching his first game at Twerton since the preseason game against Bristol Rovers, how the outlook has changed in terms of hopes and dreams!

The White Horse refreshed us before the game, and after a quick Twerton Chippy pit stop we were within the confines of the most atmospheric ground in England. The team was much to be expected although Garner came in for Matthews for his first appearance in a few months.

City started poorly, very poorly and conceded to a ridiculous goal. A long throw bounced twice across the area before hitting Adam Connolly and rolling into the goal. I cannot remember seeing a goal as farcical in a long-time.

City rallied a bit after the goal, and Murray had a few jinking runs but with little obvious output. However, the stripes were still attempting to play football, unlike Alfreton who were wasting time from the second the first goal went in. At half-time we dejectedly made our way to the new refurbished Charlie's, which I have to admit looks a lot better with its new black and white facelift...however, I will still be using The Old Crown, White Horse, Victoria, Royal Oak or any pubs in town before I use Charlie's, just a personal preference and cannot be avoided.

However, in the second half came the anger again. We walked around the Popular Side just as an Alfreton player launched into a tackle with Alex Russell, which to be fair I thought was hard but fair, however, moments later Jarman jumped into a tackle double footed which somehow Scott Murray avoided, and yet no freekick, booking or anything was given. Moments later Jarman clattered Murray again, this time to me it appeared Murray did kick back at him, but to be honest I'd have ended up double footing Jarman myself, so Murrays restrain was commendable!

However, on 58 minutes the whole game changed, the ball was loose on the edge of the Alfreton area, when Gethin took a poor touch, however, he then won the ball cleanly with a cracking challenge and Anthony Wilson double footed (again, fucking Alfreton!) Geth...the lino flagged for a City freekick and surely a red for Wilson however, the ref walked to the lino...and red carded Gethin!(See the ridiculous tackle here Unbelievable! Sean Canham then completely lost his rag and launched the ball at the ref, it struck Russell but was a clear red, so City are 1 down, down to 9 with 30 minutes remaining.

I will admit to a footballing first at this point, I have been infuriated by refereeing decisions before, but have never in my life walked around a ground to vent my anger. I have now. I crossed the Bristol End, and asked what I still believe is a valid question of "Fucking hell lino, how can you give the freekick then send Gethin off?" I stand by, that is a question and not that abusive, however, I was politely asked to leave by a steward, so I did.

City actually played better with 9, perhaps galvanised by a sense of injustice. However, the referee then decided to give a penalty from what I could gather from my angle was by having a player near our keeper, however, I reserve the right to question that if I see a better angle of it. Eventually Alfreton scored another and won 3-0. The referee left the pitch to a chorus of abuse and boos, which I think were deserved.

Unfortunately I think that definitely confirms the relegation, which has been on the cards for a while. However, am I still going to Wrexham away, of course I bloody am! For the love of all things stripey! UTC!

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