Sunday 22 April 2012

Final game delight

Having decided after the Stockport game that I was to watch no more away games this season, the arrival of Gateshead at Twerton Park signalled the final game for me of a season that has, at times been pretty depressing.

The day also corresponded with Palmers birthday, so he managed to get someone else to do the filming for him and was joining us on the terraces. We had a few at the White Horse and made our way to the ground. Gateshead had brought a few fans, and there were some interesting costumes on display! Scott Murray has recently announced his intention to retire at the end of this season, so he was handed a final start at Twerton.

Murray has sometimes been a bit whiney on twitter, but he always plays with a smile on his face and seems to genuinely enjoy playing, and has been a consistently good performer for City in the last two seasons.

Rather typically City saved one of their best performances till the last home game, when it was all a bit too late. But this is not a criticism, as it was nice to see, and I think everyone had a bit of a boost from the game. City took the lead within 5 minutes, when Murray picked up the ball, ran at the fullback and crossed, Alex Russell cleverly flicked the ball back into the middle of the box, it then broke to Adam Connolly who hammered the ball home.

The early goal clearly gave City a confidence boost as we attacked quickly again, and Watkins was felled in the box and Steve Bratt (the awful wanker who ruined the Alfreton game) gave a penalty. Marc Canham stepped up and tucked the penalty away. 2-0 within 8 minutes, this was unexpected but gave us all a chance to exercise our vocal ranges and enjoy singing and feeling good.

The feeling got even better when on 13 minutes, when Murray danced past the full back before teeing up Andy Gallinagh who scored with a neat finish. 3-0 within 13 minutes! If only we could have played like this all season! City had another chance that Sean Canham should have scored, but the half time whistle blew with the score still at 3-0.

Very early in the second half Murray floated over a perfect cross which Sean Canham headed home. 4-0, and the pisstaking songs were in full use 4-0 to the part-timers etc etc., It was very pleasing to see the crowd enjoying themselves after a season of seeing people depressed.

This being City though, we couldn't see it out at 4-0, and Gateshead did manage to get two back, but the stripes still won, and the victory moved us off of the bottom of the table for the first time since August.

While this season has been a slog in places, I have already sent off my season ticket renewal, and know that within a couple of weeks I will be pining for Twerton Park and my football fix. August brings a new season and the chance for a more successful season. UTC!

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