Sunday 1 April 2012

Richard Brodie what a nob

So with this season of despair finally winding down, City entertained highflying (and high spending) Fleetwood Town. Fleetwood have had a lot of money thrown at them and have amongst their ranks Jamie Vardy who was allegedly the subject of a £ 1 million bid in January that was turned down! Yes, you read that correctly, a non league club turned down a £ 1 million bid for a single player, you could have our whole squad, and the keys to Twerton, Whiteway and Oldfield for that money. Vardy is prolific as well, and currently has over 30 goals this season.

So vastly outspent the men in stripes lined up to face the table toppers, and to be honest the mood was bleak with some scores being predicted of double figures that wouldn't have been that outlandish.

True to the expected form Fleetwood swarmed all over City, with the stripes pegged back in their own half. Fleetwood were creating chances left, right and centre and on 11 minutes Jamie Vardy fired the ball past Garner into the roof of the net. 0-1 how many more would be scored?

With Jamie Cook alone upfront City posed no threat whatsoever, with the isolated front man making no impact and no-one getting anywhere near him to support. From a corner near half-time a short pass was played to Cavanagh who trapped the ball, advanced slightly before unleashing a daisy cutter into the bottom corner, 0-2.

Gethin Jones came on for Simpson at half-time and went to the fullback spot, and had one of his better games this season at right back. Richard Brodie came on after 68 minutes, Brodie is an interesting character, he began his career at Whickham, before joining Newcastle Benfield ( which helpfully I have been to! After scoring for Benfield against York City in a preseason friendly he joined the Minstermen, he scored a fair few for York before being signed by moneybags and scumbags Crawley Town, he helped Crawley to promotion last year before joining Fleetwood Town this season on loan. Instantly Brodie made an impact and had a shot narrowly deflected wide.

City were defending valiantly, with Jamie Cook heading a Brodie chance of the line, befor Gallinagh hacked one clear with Garner beaten. However, it wasn't to last and City conceding another was only a matter of time. A low cross into the box deflected off of Andy Gallinagh and rolled into the net for an unfortunate own goal 0-3. 5 minutes later, Preece lost the ball on the half way line and Brodie advanced on Garner before firing coolly into the net 0-4.

City suddenly though, rallied and came back at Fleetwood and created more chances in the last 15 than they had in the previous 75! Geth and Hoggy linked up nicely wide on the right and Hoggy's powerful shot was tipped over the bar by the Fleetwood custodian. Shortly after City reduced the arrears when Cooks inviting cross was well met by Adam Connolly who's well placed header beat Davies, 1-4 and that was City's first goal since beating Lincoln 4 games previously.

Now for the title of this piece. Fleetwood despite their superiority were a nasty, niggling bunch of arseholes. We had the obligatory Hoggy bust up, when Lewis locked horns with Mangan. Then Brodie was pinching and pushing Gethin Jones, Geth threw a slight elbow into his stomach and Brodie hit the floor like he'd been shot, embarrassed teammates picked him up, and thankfully Brodie was booked for diving. Why bother? The game was won, there was no need to it, and a pathetic thing to do.

Jones was then cynically stopped by Goodall while breaking down the right (again why?) and in the final minute a Scott Murray free kick found Joe Burnell who fired a decent shot at goal, that the keeper did exceptionally well to save. The game finished 1-4 and the day was done, or so we thought.

While sitting in The Old Crown waiting for Dave Phillips/Palmer, City's cameraman extraordinaire he arrived with a story to tell. While walking across the pitch after the game, he saw Brodie, and unable to resist the temptation, enquired as to his health as he saw that he was so grievously hurt mere minutes before, Brodie couldn't handle the pisstaking from a fans so threatened to "do in" Palmer. Amazing, what a complete bellend, not only a diver but someone who can't handle being told he is!

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