Thursday 17 January 2013

In the bleak midwinter.

Due to the ridiculous number of postponements we seem to have received it is looking more and more likely that we will be playing many Tuesday night games. So it was that on 15th January, on a bitterly cold night we welcomed Bromley to Twerton Park.

You have to love Tuesday night games, suddenly the working week is split by a few beers and some entertaining football (that is the theory anyway!) So after a few at The Whitehorse, we wandered down the hill to the ground. It was properly cold, and definitely a day for scarves and gloves.

The pitch looked interesting, and potentially frozen, so it was a wonder that the game was played. There was a paltry looking crowd, and near the end of the game it was confirmed that only 386 people had bothered to turn up to watch the boys in black and white, this is pathetic for a city of 80,000+ people. The poor crowd added to a miserable night, and generally added an air of depression to the proceedings, barely a peep was made as the crowd watched what was a shocking performance by City.

After the good 4-1 win away at WsM it would have been thought that City would have been full of confidence. However, this was clearly not the case. The opening of the game saw Nichols set up Noah Keats, but the youngster scuffed his shot at the keeper, and that was basically the end of City's attacking intent until the last quarter of an hour of the game.

Bromley were having having the better of the game, and on 38 minutes Theophanous latched onto a pass and stroked the ball under Jason Mellor. The game drifted to half time, and City emerged to a pitch that was definitely starting to freeze. They had upped the tempo a bit, but Bromley then extended their lead. Theophanous crossed a simple ball into the box, where the brilliantly named Pierre Joseph-Dubois chested the ball down and knocked it goalwards. Jason Mellor was clearly nursing an knee injury and the stopper couldn't get down to it, the ball trickled over the line at a painful pace, and if Mellor's injury is severe we may regret releasing Glyn Garner.

Lee Howells did then ring the changes, bringing on Marc Canham, Morgan and Aaron Brown, and despite a very late rally, where Morgan miscued a right footer effort and Mark Preece had a shot cleared, but that was basically it. The game finished 0-2 and around 375 of the 386 sloped off into the bitterly cold night air. I walked across the pitch after the game and it was frozen solid, so I don't envy the players being on the pitch.

Then a day later came chairman's Manda Rigby's statement about the trouble Bath City FC are in, and the need to leave lovely old, gorgeous Twerton Park.

I have posted a link to the statement here. ( While I am saddened at the thoughts of leaving Twerton, I think a lot of fans accept that this maybe the only option for the club being that it is saddled with debt. I have been pleasantly surprised by the reasoned reactions (for once) but do wonder how we can sell TP, and with the money made from that sale, clear the debts, buy land and build a new ground. It seems unlikely but hopefully the board are working on something that would work, although I fear that we will end up being second class citizens to the rugby club.

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